Cycling Portugal, General, Images, Rides & Routes, Video

To N2 Or Not To N2?

Over recent years, Portugal's N2 has started to draw growing numbers of cyclists, attracted by the prospect of an end-to-end ride that follows a single road. Many companies bill it as a fabulous cycling route - charging a hefty sum to let you share the experience. So, is it a good choice? For some ultra… Continue reading To N2 Or Not To N2?

General, Images

My Nan Was Tougher Than Me

Cycling has always been in our family. As kids we were dragged out every Sunday for bicycle rides. Family holidays always involved yet more cycling. The bikes would be loaded up and we'd be off for a week or two of camping - and what seemed like cycling every day. Wonderful? Sometimes. The cycling wasn't… Continue reading My Nan Was Tougher Than Me

Cycling Portugal, General, guided tours, Images

Guided Cycle Tours – 2021

It looks like Pedal Portugal is going to be very busy in 2020. We've got six cycle tours happening (our maximum) and they're almost all fully booked. So, I've also worked out our tour schedule for 2021 for anyone wanting to plan that far ahead. Full details are on the relevant pages but here's a… Continue reading Guided Cycle Tours – 2021